
Maths is all around us, in everything we do.

Our Aims

At Hillside, we aim to instil a life-long passion for mathematics that will help our children appreciate the fundamental role that the subject plays in the world around them. Our objective is for children to gain a secure knowledge of the key mathematical facts, concepts and procedures that will enable them to solve problems and reason with confidence.  


Our maths teaching follows a mastery approach, whereby all children are encouraged by the belief that by working hard at maths they can succeed.

This involves children spending considerable time learning about topics in depth, allowing them to develop a secure understanding before they move on to more challenging areas of maths. All children work together on the same lesson content at the same time.

Children are carefully guided by their teacher through new learning that is broken up into small steps, helping them to build confidence as they progress. The use of practical and pictorial resources helps deepen conceptual understanding further.  

Children also have regular opportunities to talk about their maths with other children in order to develop the important skill of being able to explain their thinking. Mathematical facts (such as times-tables) are rehearsed on an ongoing basis so that pupils can work efficiently when solving problems.


We use mastery-linked resources such as the White Rose Maths Hub schemes for learning across all year groups, supplemented with other high-quality teaching materials including I See Reasoning, Ark Curriculum and the NCETM.

Please find the long term plans for each year group below. These will give you an idea about what your child will be learning about at a given time in the year.

Key Instant Recall Facts

Key Instant Recall Facts are mathematical facts that children are expected to learn to automaticity. If they learn certain facts off-by-heart, then they do not have to spend valuable time and energy working them out when solving problems, allowing them to work more efficiently. At Hillside, each year group has its own set of facts to learn and rehearse during each term and these can be found below.

We use TTRockstars and MyMaths to support children in practicing these at home. If your child has forgotten their passwords for either of the above, please ask their class teacher to remind them. Follow either of the links below to be taken to the websites.

Concrete, pictorial, abstract

We use a concrete, pictorial, abstract approach to our teaching, enabling children to make important connections between the world around them and the mathematical concepts that they are learning about. By working with practical materials and pictorial representations alongside numerals and symbols, a child’s understanding is more likely to be secure and long-lasting. 


The CPA approach is reflected in our calculation policy and the associated guidance. You can find the calculation policy below.

Hillside Calculation Policy