The maths curriculum at Hillside Primary School will develop secure building blocks for the development of mathematical understanding, reasoning and problem solving. Children will develop skills in fluency, mathematical reasoning and problem solving, through well taught progressive steps following the long-term plan provided by White Rose Education. As part of their maths journey, children will build on their previous learning, both within and between year groups and be taught through an approach where we ‘pass the baton’ over to the children having adapted a 7-stage metacognition model for how our lessons are taught. Bespoke progression documents as well as White Rose Education support the planning of lessons in school. Children follow a concrete/ pictorial/ abstract (CPA) approach in their learning. They develop skills of resilience and determination in their work. Our intent is that children will aspire to, and be able to achieve, the National curriculum objectives for their year group. All children have positive attitudes towards maths, they will be engaged and motivated to be able to achieve their true potential.
Pass the batton and CPA approach (Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract)
At Hillside, and to create a positive learning environment, we have adapted a 7-stage metacognition model into what we call ‘passing the baton’. All classes follow this approach and use the model to support an ‘I do, we do, you do’ approach for children to enable them in making progress within maths.
Calculation and Vocabulary Progression Documents - Please click the links to see how our calculation policy progresses through school. These documents are used in conjunction with the White Rose Scheme of Learning to aid the planning and implementation of maths at Hillside.
Homework and links to help at home
The maths curriculum at Hillside Primary School will develop secure building blocks for the development of mathematical understanding, reasoning and problem solving. Children will develop skills in fluency, mathematical reasoning and problem solving, through well taught progressive steps following the long-term plan provided by White Rose Education. As part of their maths journey, children will build on their previous learning, both within and between year groups and be taught through an approach where we ‘pass the baton’ over to the children having adapted a 7-stage metacognition model for how our lessons are taught. Bespoke progression documents as well as White Rose Education support the planning of lessons in school. Children follow a concrete/ pictorial/ abstract (CPA) approach in their learning. They develop skills of resilience and determination in their work. Our intent is that children will aspire to, and be able to achieve, the National curriculum objectives for their year group. All children have positive attitudes towards maths, they will be engaged and motivated to be able to achieve their true potential.
Pass the batton and CPA approach (Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract)
At Hillside, and to create a positive learning environment, we have adapted a 7-stage metacognition model into what we call ‘passing the baton’. All classes follow this approach and use the model to support an ‘I do, we do, you do’ approach for children to enable them in making progress within maths.
Calculation and Vocabulary Progression Documents - Please click the links to see how our calculation policy progresses through school. These documents are used in conjunction with the White Rose Scheme of Learning to aid the planning and implementation of maths at Hillside.
Homework and links to help at home
The maths curriculum at Hillside Primary School will develop secure building blocks for the development of mathematical understanding, reasoning and problem solving. Children will develop skills in fluency, mathematical reasoning and problem solving, through well taught progressive steps following the long-term plan provided by White Rose Education. As part of their maths journey, children will build on their previous learning, both within and between year groups and be taught through an approach where we ‘pass the baton’ over to the children having adapted a 7-stage metacognition model for how our lessons are taught. Bespoke progression documents as well as White Rose Education support the planning of lessons in school. Children follow a concrete/ pictorial/ abstract (CPA) approach in their learning. They develop skills of resilience and determination in their work. Our intent is that children will aspire to, and be able to achieve, the National curriculum objectives for their year group. All children have positive attitudes towards maths, they will be engaged and motivated to be able to achieve their true potential.
Pass the batton and CPA approach (Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract)
At Hillside, and to create a positive learning environment, we have adapted a 7-stage metacognition model into what we call ‘passing the baton’. All classes follow this approach and use the model to support an ‘I do, we do, you do’ approach for children to enable them in making progress within maths.
Calculation and Vocabulary Progression Documents - Please click the links to see how our calculation policy progresses through school. These documents are used in conjunction with the White Rose Scheme of Learning to aid the planning and implementation of maths at Hillside.
Homework and links to help at home